Daily Grind Blog


What’s up you guys! This month, I’ve been sharing daily videos on The Daily Grind YouTube channel and podcast with a BRAND NEW series entitled, “Know Your Worth.” If you’ve EVER doubted yourself or what you’re capable of or have made excuses for you to put your dreams on hold, I want you to tune in, flip that switch in your mind and prove to yourself that you ARE worth it! We’re well into the series now but I wanted to break things down a little more to not only give you a synopsis of what we’ve covered day by day, BUT if you ever need to revisit these motivational messages or need a visual reminder of what I’ve covered, I figured I’d keep them here on The Daily Grind blog for you to access at ANY time.

So without further ado, let’s jump right in and I’m going to break down the first 7 days of the “Know Your Worth” series so you can get started, gain clarity and start knowing your worth NOW!


First things first, I need you to make time for yourself. This whole series is about transforming your confidence and achieving your wildest goals in 31 days. I want you to be the 1% that shows up EVERY DANG DAY. You owe that to yourself. Before diving right in, grab your Daily Grind Planner and Dot Grid pages, or a notebook or journal, and have allocated pages to write things down throughout this series. But most of all, I want you to start this series open-minded and come to the table with some grit. Grit is when stuff gets hard, you keep going! I’ve gone through some very high highs and very low lows this year, but I stayed tenacious and I want to inspire you to do the same! This entire challenge has stemmed from what I’ve grown from this summer and there’s gonna be a lot of real talk because I know you can do this. What if, at the end of this series, you gain an INSANE amount of confidence and FINALLY realize YOU CAN do this and change your life? You are FREAKING worth it! Your goals matter to YOU and you have that worth within you to deserve it. But if you DON’T believe it, then we’re going to unlock that belief together. Block out the noise, write it all down and figure out what you TRULY want, transform your life and change the game forever. The person that’s gonna come out on the other side of this is going to be SO DANG proud of you and all I ask is that you stay committed. Cool?


To officially dive in, I want you to establish what YOU really want in life by getting you in the best mood possible. Take this time for yourself and make it FOR YOU even if it’s just 5 minutes a day. Grab something to write with and give yourself the freeing moment to focus on yourself and give yourself the time and energy you deserve. Before you start writing, I need you to find a freaking awesome and motivational playlist that you’re going to listen to as you write (my suggestion is “The Greatest Showman” playlist” but you do you!). Grab your pen and paper and don’t stop writing until you’ve listened to 10 songs. I get this message all the time that you guys don’t know what you want and I truly believe it’s because you haven’t given it enough thought. Give yourself the gift of time NOW to focus on YOU and your future and what you want. The longer you do write, the more things will become clearer for you.

Don’t be afraid to be a little selfish too! From material things to feelings, be transparent and honest with yourself about what you really REALLY want. For me, I’ve been really longing for the feeling of total peace, and taking the time to write it down has really helped my brain unlock the deeper things I’ve been wanting in life. Turn off your phone, leave it in another room, and take this time to get excited about your future and write down everything you want to have, everything you want to feel and everything you want to be. Leave NOTHING on the table. Take this first step in figuring out what the heck you really want and be CRYSTAL CLEAR. Write it all down and leave it all on the paper and don’t let your hand lift from the page. 


Now we’re gonna talk about glowing up and making bank! Props to those of you following the 121 Glow Up Challenge because you know EXACTLY how beneficial it can be to feel your best from the inside out. I fully believe that once you start taking action toward your goals, making some extra money and finally begin accomplishing the goals you never thought possible, pounds will start to fall off, skin starts to glow and it all works together in this amazing cycle of EPICNESS. Light yourself up on the inside with your passions to exude that light on the outside. If you’re feeling stuck or in this rut where you just don’t know what’s going on and it feels incredibly frustrating, you’re not alone! We’ll get through this together! 

Next, I want you to take your goals list that you just made and then write a letter to your future self from you today. Write a letter to yourself one year from now affirming that you achieved the goals you’ve written down. Stay positive and confident and focus on the top goals that come to mind and confirm they WILL happen. This practice will breathe your goals into existence. Just you wait and see! 

To help me visualize my future, I like to do my daily workout first thing in the morning and then immediately do a meditation right after to cancel out the rest of the world. Then I write out this letter to myself before I plan out my day. After writing that letter and focusing on positive affirmations and gratitude, I’m on cloud 9 to map out my day ahead and have this indescribable energy to tackle things full force. The letters don’t have to be super long and the topics can change daily - they just need to be from the heart. Every single day, even just for 60 seconds, I want you to write a letter to yourself one year from now and date them! Make it a part of your daily routine and get excited about your future!


Take your goals list and your daily letters and this is going to become what I’m calling your “Dream Book.” It’ll be a space just for you to go to after your morning meditations to write yourself those letters from the future. Taking things one step further to making your goals more powerful is adding visuals to your dream book. I like to pin visual posts on Pinterest that match my goals and create a dream book pinboard where I keep them all. I’ll then print them out and put them in my dream book to see my goals right in front of me. This practice always gives me HOPE and a clear NORTH STAR to guide me to what I really wanted. 


Alright you guys -  this is when stuff gets really real. Now we’re going to learn when to say “NO” or “I’m not doing this anymore” to pull yourself out of a rut and step into the right mindset to get to where you really want to be. Know your worth and take a stand and you’ll have an immediate confidence boost which then will lead to momentum to get you glowing from the inside out. When you gain momentum internally, your body recognizes it and starts thriving on that positivity. Start chipping away at your stress in a healthy way by finding something that you’re INSANELY proud of. I want you to start saying “No” to things that aren’t serving you to make room so you can start saying YES!” to the things you’re passionate about. ALSO I want you to stop tearing yourself down and telling yourself “No” before you even try. If you could eliminate just a fraction of the stress you have, imagine what you could achieve! Find what lights your soul on fire. Be brave enough to make that first domino to fall down and watch the domino effect start to take off.


Limiting beliefs can be labels we placed on ourselves as early as childhood. What is a label that has been placed on you? My goal for you is to become aware of the “labels” that have been placed on you or that you place on yourself that make you feel stuck. Even if you’re just realizing these labels now and are having an “A-HA” epiphany moment, this will lead to breakthroughs, and I want you to ask yourself, “Is that label serving me?” You’ve gotta be able to spin those labels to serve you. If not, you need to let it go so that it no longer defines you. These little labels could be the things holding you back. But if you think your label serves you, OWN IT! Own that label as your superpower to view it in a healthier way and use it as a strength. 


Once you create space and get rid of the things stopping you, you allow room for good things to come into your life. Sometimes we can label “being selfish” as something horrible and it makes us push opportunities away. I’m here to tell you it is OKAY to be selfish and to have selfish goals. Try and think about how you would talk to your best friend, or better yet, your younger self, and how would you talk to them about their goals and dreams? We can be so dang hard on ourselves and if we have a BIG goal, we tell ourselves it’s dumb or selfish and we count ourselves out before we even step up to the plate and take a swing. 

I want you to think about the moments that will be life-changing for you when you start saying “YES!” to your passions. I want you to think about ONE big dream or a dream goal and assign a dollar amount to it. I’m telling you right now, no matter what that dollar sign is, it is NOT selfish. Be honest with yourself because you’ll be a better person for it. You know that domino effect we talked about… imagine if you accomplish that goal and feel that sense of confidence that immediately leads to “Wow! I did that! What else can I do now?” That’s the affirmation right there that helps you become unstoppable. Figure out what that number or dollar sign is for your goal and how many months it will take for you to get there. I want you to then take things one step further and see if you can shorten that timeline and shave one or two months off to get you CLOSER to that goal. If you have a Daily Grind Planner, make this your NUMBER #1 GOAL that you touch on EVERY SINGLE DAY. Be more selfish with your goals and just watch what happens! I believe in you and I know you can do this! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this breakdown of the first week of my “Know Your Worth” series and if this has helped YOU move the needle forward in knowing your worth and creating REAL change, comment down below! I’ll see you guys next week for another weekly rundown of the “Know Your Worth Series” here on The Daily Grind Blog. Bye dudes!


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